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2024 St. Stephen's Inquirer Class
The Inquirer's Classis for newcomers, visitors, or anyone who is looking to “inquire” about the Episcopal Church.
Designed in in a small group setting, participants have an opportunity to explore what the Episcopal Church is all about and to look at their faith in the context of their past experience, what they’ve been taught, and what the church believes and teaches. Participants have an opportunity to ask questions and share responses in an open, warm, and welcoming environment.
Instruction typically includes information concerning the beliefs, history, worship, and practices of the Episcopal Church. The Church notes that inquirers' classes belong to the “Pre-catechumenal Period,” or first stage of the catechumenate, by providing “sufficient preparation to enable persons to determine that they wish to become
If you are new to St. Stephen's or simply interested in a refresher of a good overview of our church, please come and join us!
An 11-week journey through the Episcopal Church and the journey of faith
Week 1- January 31, 2024
Introductions and Stories:
- What Do We Want to Learn?
Closing message from Sr. Warden Courtney Manrod
Week 2 - February 7, 2024
Salvation - What is the Gospel?
​Altar Guild and Worship – Roni Boyd and Bailey Norman
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