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Recent Church News

Recent & Upcoming Events

Recurring Stories

Clearfork Has Begun!

On Monday, the Clearfork Learning Camp took off. Thirty youngsters from the area began a week of fellowship, learning, and fun. Opening day included games, outdoor activities, and, for the first time, a photo booth session where each child participated in portrait and group photography.


This year’s camp theme is stewardship; each child participates in programs and activities designed to teach them the importance of kindness, respect for others, and doing their best.


The learning camp will end on a high note with a visit to the Kentucky Splash Park -- an all-time winner activity for the youngsters.

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CPR/AED Training July 28 or July 31

We will be hosting two CPR/AED training sessions at the end of this month. Each session is limited to 16 people. We will have a class on Sunday July 28th at 4:30 PM and Wednesday July 31st at 6:00 PM. Please sign-up in advance by contacting the parish office. You can contact Carol King or the office for more information.

Beth Bailey has assumed the leadership of the hospitality ministry and coordinating our volunteers. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Beth Bailey via email at

Do you have news for an upcoming issue of The St. Stephens’s Messenger


Please send fully edited articles with all pertinent information, including dates, times, location(s), and contact information, to by NOON on Wednesday. Content for The Messenger is determined in consultation with clergy and staff.

The Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee Conference August 9-11

The 78th annual conference of the Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee will take place August 9 through August 11 at St. Mary's Conference Center, Sewanne. You can register online or get more information on this conference at

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