St. Stephen’s Outreach program serves hundreds of individuals and families throughout the year in Haiti; and in Claiborne, Campbell, Anderson, Knox, Roane, Morgan, and Scott counties. We financially support organizations that are offering great services to those in need. Each month, we take a special offering for an organization or project.*
Outreach is comprised of five subcommittees:
HAITI: Maintains and supports a medical clinic in Haiti.
CLEARFORK: Provides an annual “learning camp” for kids ages 6-15 from the Clairfield and White Oak schools located in Claiborne and Campbell counties in the Clearfork Valley of the Appalachian Mountains.
WALK OVER WEDNESDAY (WOW): Serves ORHS juniors and seniors a home-cooked meal every Wednesday during the school year. The meal is prepared in the St. Stephen’s kitchen and is served in our Parish Hall.
FOOD: Provides necessary non-food items to families throughout the year.
LOCAL CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS: Provides monetary support to local organizations including Bryson’s Closet, TORCH, ADFAC, Family Resource Center, Blossom Center, Ecumenical Storehouse, MLK Scholarship, Church Women United, and Girls Inc.
The Outreach Committee also:
joins First United Methodist Church to provide weekly food delivery to the Morgan/Scott County food bank, and
provides letters and cards of encouragement to KARM overnight guests.
*Per policy, each month a different charitable organization or activity is selected and highlighted for support. The plate offerings for the second‑fourth weeks of the month will be used to support this organization or activity. The first and fifth Sunday offerings will continue to fund Fr. Bailey’s Discretionary Fund. On the occasion of the Bishop’s visit, that plate offering will continue to go to his/her Discretionary Fund. The Committee meets at the church on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Parishioners are always welcome.