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Parish Bylaws and Policies


The following PDF files provide access to the Bylaws and Procedures that are currently approved.


Parish Bylaws: 2023 Bylaws


Index to St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Vestry Policies


I. Personnel Policies [see also F16]

B-1: Lay Personnel Compensation and Leave
B-2: Lay Personnel Overtime Compensation
B-4: Medical and Disability Insurance for Lay Staff Members
B-5: Retirement Plans
B-7: Leave of Absence
B-8: Continuing Education


II. Financial Policies [see also F7]

C-1: Fiscal Policies [Updated 11.19.21] [see also C11]
C-2: Authorizations for Disbursement and Charge Care Use
C-3: Disbursement of Funds
C-4: Loose or Plate Offerings
C-7: Clergy Residence Account
C-8: Clergy Compensation
C-9: Travel Expenses
C-10: Gifts and Memorials [see also C11, F8] 
C-11: Memorial Garden [see also C1.C10, F7]


III. Building and Grounds Policies [see also F2]

D-1: Use of Church Property or Facilities by Outside Organizations or Individuals
D-2: Building Security and Personal Safety 
D-5: Alcoholic Beverages 
D-6: Use and Maintenance of the Memorial Garden [see also F9] 


IV. Vestry Meetings 

E-1: Vestry Responsibilities


V. Parish Committee Structure and Policies 

F-1: Organization of the Parish and the Use of Committees
F-2: Building and Grounds Committee [see also the "D" policies]
F-3: Bylaws and Procedures Committee 
F-4: Christian Education Committee 
F-5: Communications Committee 
F-6: Evangelism Committee 
F-7: Finance Committee [see also the "C" policies]
F-8: Gifts and Memorials [see also C10]
F-9: Memorial Garden Committee [see also D6]
F-10: Outreach Committee 
F-11: Parish Life Team  

F-12: Pastoral Care Committee 
F-13: Stewardship Committee 
F-15: Liturgics Committee 
F-16: Personnel Committee [see also the "B" policies]
F-18: Nominating Committee 


Diocese of East Tennessee Policies on Sexual Misconduct and Abuse

Safe Church: Policies for the Protection of Children, Youth and Adults from Abuse


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